G-Cloud Consultancy

Daemon Directory Systems (DDS) personnel have considerable experience in the creation, development, deployment, and assessment of cloud based services and can be used to help an organisation make the transitions into the Cloud. DDS have a track record of supplying security cleared specialist services to Government and private sector organisations for a number of years, with over 10 years of IT experience ranging from SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, networks, and hosting services through to business change.

DDS specialists are designed to complement an organisation’s existing abilities, while providing knowledge transfer to reinforce and develop the new ways of working required to access the full benefits of Cloud technology.

At a Glance:

  •  Proven experience
  • Industry Leaders
  • Innovators
  • Security Cleared
  • Proven track record of delivery
  • Impartial advice
  • Cloud Iaas, Paas and Saas experienced
  • Procured under Lot 4 Specialist Cloud Services
